Vision and Values      

Our Vision.  Our vision is to follow the great command to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” Matt 22v37, and to fulfil the great commission to “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” Matt 28v19

Our Values. As a church we believe our Core Values, how we work to implement our vision, are focused on the Word of God, Prayer, Grace and Discipleship. 

These values can be described as:

1.  The Word of God – “The Word of God – We worship, honour and obey, Jesus the Messiah, the logos, The living word of God – the revelation of who God is, his nature, character and being – we value the Bible, the written word of God, believing that God speaks to us through it as the basis, for all we think and do.[1]” 

2. Prayer – we seek to be a church that relies on the Lord and His power through prayer believing he can do far more than we can ask or imagine.[2]

3.  Grace – enjoying Gods undeserved love to us in Christ Jesus and showing this grace to others.[3]

4.  Discipleship – Putting God consciously at the centre of how we live individually, as his apprentices, and as a church seeking him in corporate worship; obeying his command to make disciples of all nations, living to please Him in all things

  • Worshipping God passionately in our whole lives
  • Witnessing Jesus to those around us, (Frome),  sharing the good news of Christ crucified and risen, joining with Gods plan to reach a broken and hurting world

Being community together; loving on another, valuing and serving each other, forgiving one another, speaking the truth in love, supporting one another as family, eating, sharing and praying with one another

[1] Psalm 119:105, John 1:14,  Heb 1:2,  Rev 19:13

[2] Rom 12:12, Eph 3:20

[3] Rom 5:21, Eph2:7..